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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Word Processing Software

Word Processing Software is use computer to creating, formatting, composition, and printing.Word processors usually save documents on memory cards or diskettes.Word processing also is the most earliest application in office productivity.


*Microsoft Word
-Microsort word is frequently uses for work preparing or information preparing.Such as, student uses it for typing notes and for workers it uses for preparing documents.

-Microsoft Word is general word processor. It suits students and home users who want to type basic documents. The learning curve isn’t so steep and the program interface is less complex.There are also many other commercial word processing applications, such as WordPerfect.

*Power Point
- Power Point is frequently use for presentations and it has considerable potential for encouraging more professional presentations.

-If have peoples want to present, their works or informations they can use power point to present it.

-Some interesting funtions, such as word art, background,animation and etc.

-Properly use the power point can raise up the meeting innate quality.So, it can attract the audience.



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